Drinks Ontario

The leading advocate for agents, suppliers & associations in the Ontario beverage alcohol industry.


Our Members

Drinks Ontario is the leading advocate for agents, suppliers and associates in the beverage alcohol industry; a membership-based provincial trade association representing manufacturers, agents, marketing groups and trade offices for beverage alcohol in Ontario.

Our members support 3,000 jobs across the province and represent 95% of alcohol products sold in the LCBO, by volume. LCBO revenue exceeded $6 Billion and paid a dividend to the Province of $2.12 Billion.


Industry Relationships & Advocacy

As way of introduction, Drinks Ontario is the leading advocate for businesses in the Ontario beverage alcohol industry; a membership-based trade association, we represent manufacturers, agents, marketing groups and trade offices of beverage alcohol.



Drinks Ontario hosts regular events which include LCBO representatives, business experts and industry leaders along with networking opportunities and social events.


Contact Us

For general questions and inquiries please email info@drinksontario.com